Saturday, November 20, 2010

Well, We Know What The T and The A Stand For…

There has been a bit of brouhaha over the TSA pat down – because one guy wanted to make a fuss and get it recorded on his phone – no, not a setup at all. Look – I am going to give my fan and the rest of you hangers-on a little hint on how to deal with this.

You don't like getting patted down? Don't fly. Drive. Take a boat. Walk. It's as simple as that, and I don't know why you idiots don't see this ridiculously simple solution.

Oh, sorry – I temporarily forgot where I was. I just answered my own question.

We clamor and whine about personal freedoms, about how we are suffering indignities. How we have strange people groping us. How we have to take off our shoes and buy some shampoo at our destination. You know what's a real indignity? This. This. This. What we're going through? Nothing. Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus during the Civil War. FDR and Truman had private letters opened and read. We're pissing and moaning because someone from the TSA fondles us to make sure that the flight is refreshingly bomb-free. Am I the only one here seeing the great disconnect?

This guy – I don't trust him. I think there is a lot more to this than 'I'm going to sue you if you touch my junk'. I am waiting to see if someone thinks that same way I do – and I am not holding my breath about it – and starts looking a little closer about this guy. I mean – the media pilloried
the guy who exposed ACORN for just proving what they really are. Look at this. Look at this. Politicians are jumping on this. Where were they before this started? Where was the hue and cry about this before the TSA guy? Why is no one else asking these questions? Am I the only one here who is being honestly skeptical about this? Am I the only one who thinks that the timing of this is suspect? I mean – who just came into power in the House of Representatives? Who instituted the TSA? Are you telling me that this guy just now woke up angry about the TSA not giving him a smooch on the cheek just now? Really?

The TSA has enough on their hands (ha-ha). I am not hot on the idea of a visible presence in the airport – I'll admit. Personally, I think the best defense is a good offense. We don't need to protect airports – we need to put more bullets in the heads of our enemies. This is war. We need to recognize it as such and act accordingly. However, tanks are not the solution. Ask the Soviets – sorry, they're Russians now, but I'm sure they can tell us how useful tanks are in the mountains and rolling down caves.

This is another reason why I hate all of you and wish you'd die, both individually and as a group: you're all too stupid to see you're getting played… again.

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