Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some Free Advice to Breitbart...

OK, Andrew -- this is not the time for you get all [censored] soft.  Sherrod is going to do her best to wring money out of you... after all, she's found herself suddenly unemployed and needs some cash to carry her in between media appearances.  Congrats, Andy!  You're the [censored] cash cow/scapegoat for this round (No doubt Tony "I think I'll leave this off my resume' Hayward is happy).  This is my free advice to you and I suggest you take it... if for no other reason than you can drag down a lot of people with you and that's always fun for a news cycle or two.  The advice is as follows:

Go on the offensive.

Going on defense, which is what it sounds like you're doing now is the worst thing to do now. The second anyone thinks you're wavering on your principles, they're going to crucify you.  You need to attack and attack hard.  You didn't fire Sherrod.  The USDA forced her to resign -- on the side of the road through a [censored] Blackberry, no doubt at the behest of the White House.  I mean why else is the President going on "The View"?  Because he enjoys talk TV?  No -- this is damage control.  This is what you need to do, Andy.  They throw a punch, you need to give them a shot to the nuts.  They try to kick you, you need to kick them in the nuts -- if you choose to do this either figuratively or literarly, I'll leave that up to you (however, if you do kick the Secretary of the USDA in the sack, please have someone record it -- I'll post it on my site as soon as possible). 

Of course, there is one person who's happy that this is still going on: Rep. Charley "You mean that's illegal?" Rangle.  13 counts of corruption -- I doubt that's a record, but it's just another sign othat we needs to get rid of everybody in Congress.  Everyone.  Senators.  Representatives.  Pages.  Assistants.  You know why DC was built on a swamp?  So the scum won't have to commute far to get to work.  The scum that [censored] idiots like you keep re-electing.

Reading Between The Lines...

I've taken a look at the people who voted against the The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.  I want all of you to know this: there are 18 people who did not vote at all:
  • Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY 2)
  • Rep. Parker Griffith (R-AL 5)
  • Rep. Raul Grijalva (R-AZ 7)
  • Rep. George Radanovich (R-CA 19)
  • Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 22)
  • Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ 3)
  • Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA 33)
  • Rep. W. Akin (R-MO 2)
  • Rep. Melvin Watt (D-NC 12)
  • Rep. C. W. Young (R-FL 10)
  • Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS 1)
  • Rep. Todd Tiahrtt (R-KS 4)
  • Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI 2)
  • Rep. Carolyn Kilpatric (R-MI 13)
  • Rep. John Conyers (D-MI 14)
  • Rep. William Clay (D- MO 1)
  • Rep. Christopher Carney (D-PA 10)
  • Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN 3)
If you live in these areas and give a [censored] -- ask your representative why they didn't go either way.  Screw those who voted yea or nay, I want to know about the people who shrugged their shoulders.  I'm going to contact a couple of these people and see what they say.  If they bother to look up, I'll post the response, but don't hold your breath... or do and pass out, hit your head on the desk and go away.

Jugulare Mortuos, idiots
The Practical Misanthrope

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