Sunday, July 25, 2010

You All Are Either Blind and/or Stupid… I’m Guessing Stupid For Most of You, Blind for One of You.

First off – I am sick and [censored]ing tired of hearing about Shirley Sherrod. In this day and age, if you assume that what you say in a public forum is just going to stay between you and your audience, you're a [censored]ing idiot and whatever happens to you, you richly deserve. Since I must consider that there are some of you who may not know who this person is – and how I almost envy you at this point -- here is a brief timeline of complete [censored]ery. At the end of the article, Nancy Giles (probably trying to get a raise, a Pulitzer or both) asks this: Maybe we can all decide to listen more, talk less and just "get the facts".

No [censored][censored], you idiot. If you useless mouth-breathing [censored]s had actually done something along the lines of real investigating instead of running around saying "She's a [censored] racist! I saw it on the Internet! It must be true! Now I'm off to work at home and make thousands of dollars sitting around and eating cheese sandwiches!"

[censored] moron.

The only person who actually asked the questions that needed to be asked and put the pieces together was Glenn Beck. Glenn Beckthe Mormon Kid. Everyone else was lynching Shirley, including the President's Staff (yeah, I said lynching – that's what happened). Three news services, and CNN – all ran with that rancid nugget of syphilitic pus called a news story. How bad is it when a former 'morning zoo' DJ makes more [censored] sense than so called 'reporters'. People with degrees (!) in journalism – and I think Journalism 101 is what kind of questions are to be asked (here's a hint – who, what, where, when, why and how
Here is my big question: Why aren't the Republicans attacking the Democrats on this like a fat man at a buffet?

Here's my bigger answer: Because they're a bunch of [censored] cowards, like the Democrats, who have forgotten who they are supposed to work for.

Here's my other big question: Why has no one even called on the Big Three News (and CNN) or any other news media to apologize?

Here's my big theory: It was never about her. It is about hammering conservatives… again.

Let's all face it – in spite of the current leadership – the next election cycle is going to be a complete landslide for the Republicans. The only way the Democrats can hang on to anything is to do what they do best: lie, cheat and steal – you know… the usual.

What infuriates me even more is that when all is said and done – Sherrod and Mel
Gibson will be more than happy to expound on this when they get their own blogs – people will be more than willing to accept the bad rather than the good.

That's why you're all stupid. Except for Glenn Beck, apparently.

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