Monday, June 28, 2010

Looks Like West Virginia Is Going To Have To Work For A Living Now…

I was going to start today’s blog with a comment on Mexico having the [censored] audacity to sue us over our immigration policy (two questions: where the [censored] are you going to find a jury of Mexico’s peers? There’s no one left in Mexico – they’re all here. Second question: where the [censored] does Mexico get off on telling us what our immigration policy should be? Last time I checked, crossing a national border – no matter how [censored] and porous it is – is still an international crime and could be taken as a declaration of war.). However, three other articles caught my eye and I feel compelled to respond to them. So, Mexico is off the hook for now.

Senator Robert Byrd (D.) is Dead… just in case you missed it.

Here’s what gets me – this man had a [censored] Coast Guard facility built in West Virginia. For those of you who might have skipped geography in the third grade – or just didn’t pay attention – West Virginia is [very censored] landlocked! There’s no [censored][censored] ocean there! If the Coast Guard in West Virginia gets called out to attend to something, then it’s All Over But The Screaming. The man brought in about five billion dollars to his state. That’s $5,000,000,000 – more than enough to go around for his little corner of the country. That’s why almost everything is named after him. But I am not going to dwell on this anymore. There is something else to bring to your attention, which no doubt is just getting glossed over.

He’s been called the Conscience of The Senate. Ummm… the conscience of the Senate was also a member of the Klan (yes, that Klan) and tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. That’s why I put the ‘D.’ next to his name. I want everyone who reads this blog (all none of you) to know that this man was a Democrat. You know the Democrat, right? That lovely little political group that says they’re for the minorities, the oppressed, and the people who are downtrodden? Like blacks during the Civil Rights Movement – the little guy who needs someone who’s got the clout and the guts to step up to The Man. Tiny hint, kids – Byrd was The Man. Eighteen Democrats and One Republican voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1968 in the Senate floor debate. In the final vote to close the filibuster, it was 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans to keep the filibuster going versus 44 Democrats and 27 Republicans to kill the filibuster and move the bill to a vote. In words that you can better understand: MORE REPUBLICANS VOTED FOR CIVIL RIGHTS THAN AGAINST. Keep that fact in your head the next time someone complains about how the Republicans are a “party of white bigots and homophobes”. Remember – Sen. Robert Byrd was called the Conscience of The Senate. Just goes to show you where the minds of the people you habitually [censored] send back to Washington because you’re too lazy to keep up.

Want proof about the Civil Rights vote?
History of the Civil Rights Act
Vote totals: Democrats vs. Republicans

But, hey – that’s all in the past and he should be forgiven… right Senator Trent Lott (R.)? Oh… yeah – Republicans don’t get a pass.

Stupid People In Action!
Article from PC World on why you might want to change your password to keep your girlfriend off the computer

OK – just how [censored] stupid do you have to be to fall for this? Really. Some random guy just pops up on your chat program, claiming to be your boyfriend and talks you into doing something on the webcam that you normally do in front of him? How much brain power does it take to pick up a phone and call your boyfriend? For [censored] sake… where were these women when I was in the dating scene? What’s worse, if this sub-human scatball didn’t get what he wanted, he threatened to release personal information on the Internet. So, it comes down to either you do a little for him on a webcam, or you get your credit score trashed? You get those ‘bedroom’ photos released on the Internet? Hate to tell you this ladies, but if your boyfriend’s got some good stuff – odds are it’s going to be on all the amateur sites before you can say “It’s not me, it’s you.”

I really don’t know who’s worse. The criminal or the women who forgot what the words “no” or “I’ll call the cops!” meant. Let’s hear it for feminism!

You see why I hate people? Stupid, stupid people.

You Voted For Him – Here You Go!
You mean they're all on?
This is more than likely going in the ‘lighter side of news’ section at most news organizations since you mouth-breathers can’t seem to get enough oil porn in your lives.
OK – this is wrong on several levels. One: he’s the Vice President. If he can’t show some class to someone who has to work for a living, how is he going to handle foreign dignitaries if Obama keels over? Come [censored] on. He could have taken that moment to at least make himself look good and say “Well – when I’m done here, I’ll go back to DC and try to crack some heads for you and see if we can give you some wiggle room with your business and your personal finances.” As a personal aside to Vice President Biden: I would keep your resume handy. Between Obama’s meaningless photo ops and you having no idea what those cameras are for (hint: to catch you doing this and replaying it for the 2012 election. Way to go, Biden), you’re not going to have a job come January 12th, 2012. Personally – I would have cut you off after the “F” bomb.

Serious, Mr. President – if you want to get a little ahead on the next Presidential Election – drop Biden and pick someone who what should kept to one’s self and what should be spoken aloud.

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