Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mission Statement

There are two reasons why I’ve created this blog. Neither of them is altruistic, but if I help some of you, hey – good for you, let me know how that’s working out, so I can ignore you.

I am not going to lie – as some point, I would like to be recognized at some point for my postings. Perhaps even get to the point where this little venture makes money. I understand that I am both one voice in a din of (mostly worthless) opinions and also the lone voice in the desert. I understand that this is going to be a hard undertaking… then again all good things are well fought for.

You may have read some of my earlier posts and have noted the little [censored] sprinkled here and there. Well, I am moving away from that. At first, I felt that I should speak from the heart and that my heart speaks like a sailor. I understand that in this day and age no one gets his or her point across without making some sort of shocking statement. I realize now that even though I say [censored], [censored] and [very censored] in common parlance, the people I want to reach out to and somewhat impress would be neither impressed nor shocked about this language. In fact, they would move away from this blog and go elsewhere. So, I will rather use a good sound argument and colorful (and non-vulgar) similes and metaphors to make my point. I will be crass, I will be rude; but I will maintain an air of erudite sophistication while I insult my target.

Who is my target, you ask? Simple. Almost everyone. As I have looked around and become aware of this society, I have noticed that ultimately there are two kinds of people: one set who live their complete lives in an absolute panic over some thing and are willing to hand over everything they have for that nebulous problem to be solved. I call those people idiots. These are the people who watch one news group (or the other) and derive their (horribly, horribly) wrong opinions from the talking heads without doing a single bit of research on their own. Some are Democrats, some are Republicans – all are morons. Another purpose to this blog is to point out things that should be getting you, Dear Reader, very angry. Like the bumper sticker says ‘if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention’ -- apparently, there are a lot of people not paying attention.

The second group of people is those who take advantage of the stupid. Where are they? D.C. or your local/city/state government is where they can be found. These are the people who feed that nebulous panic and say ‘put us in charge and we’ll take care of the (environment, education, taxes, getting enough chicken nuggets in your order). These people are to be despised. These people are in a position to help; yet they only look out for themselves. Whether they’re that college sophomore taking “Environmental Science” and goes into infarction when you don’t put the recyclables in the right damn bin, or it’s the 85 year-old Senator who dreams of banging the previously mentioned sophomore with a sheepskin condom ‘because it’s Earth-friendly’; they are all fiends dragging us down.

Now, the title of this blog is “Practical Misanthropy”. As I had been advised by Dearly Departed Mother – “Unless you have a solution, all you’re doing is bringing me down – now go get me my smokes.” – I will not only point out problems, but I will bring about very practical and do-able solutions. The question will be: do you want to put up with some temporary discomfort to achieve long-term success? I’ll bet the answer will a quiet ‘no’. Thank God our Founding Fathers were made of stronger stuff.

That explains the ‘practical’, now for the ‘misanthropy’ – unless you get all weepy over whatever poor and downtrodden minority is on display this week; unless your blind yourself to the fact and just argue on the basis of ‘it is right because it gives me a fuzzy in my heart’, you’re a misanthrope and somewhat less of a person. I can live quite well with that notion. The answers I give to the problems I have are not going to make me popular… to which I respond ‘so what?’ I am not here to be popular. I am not here to drag the proverbial horse to water. I will not make it drink. I will point to the river and say “that or thirst – your choice, Trigger.”

Now that we’re clear and what you can expect from me, I hope that you will indulge me with your time. I promise to do my utmost to entertain or enlighten you… or not. It’s not my job to make you care. It’s my job to illuminate.

Jugulare Mortuos, Dear Reader.

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