Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apparently, She’s The Very Slow Burn Type…

For those of you who could not begin to care about the California Governor's race, I would beg your indulgence and please consider the following: someone running against Meg Whitman is trying to pull out all the stops.

Do not be deceived. This isn't about right and wrong, but about dollars and politics.

The short of it: Meg Whitman's (more than likely) 'suddenly unemployed' housemaid Nicandra Diaz Santillan made a tearful announcement: for the past nine years, she's been forced to work 15 hours a week for $23.00 an hour. That's $345.00 a week. That's about what I make for 40 hours at my crappy job. Clearly, I am in the wrong profession. She was finally let go in 2009 when Meg woke up one morning and said 'I should be governor!' as she opened up her bedroom windows. I guess Nicandra's shock of being fired almost a year ago finally wore off.

Oh – did I mention that she's only slightly undocumented? I didn't? Sorry, must have slipped my mind.

Yeah – she gave out fake papers for employment – something that even her lawyer Gloria 'I don't get paid unless we win, settle or I get first publication rights' Allred
admitted at the interview-slash-political ambush. Gloria is suing for "unpaid wages and mileage re-imbursement". So – for the low, low price of $17,940.00 (15 hours a week @ $23.00 an hour for 52 weeks a year, since she was fired on 2009) + mileage reimbursement you can hire power-house attorney and champion of freedom Gloria Allred. Mileage re-imbursement? What did she do, pick up groceries and dry-cleaning too?

I can't wait for this case to get thrown out. First off – Nicandra produced papers to the people who would set her up with employment that were false. Now, my memory may be hazy… but I'm fairly certain that there's a little box you have to sign stating that the information you give to the people who are going to employ you is true and accurate. Falsifying such information is a crime. Apparently, Gloria Allred skipped the class that taught what was constituted a crime. Of course, Gloria also says that she has the paper that informed the Whitman family that their housekeeper's Social Security number did not match up with the name. She says that… more than likely in the same tone of voice you use on a three year-old that 'if you don't behave – Santa Claus won't stop by the house and give you your toys'. If she has this paper – I have two questions:

One – how did she get it?

Two – why does she have it?

Of course, Allred hasn't produced the paper, yet. More than likely, this one is going to be in the "settled out of court/I get a third of that action" column. A third of $17,940.00 is $5,980.00 – perhaps this is as close to pro bono as she's going to get.

Hiring a Lawyer? $6,000

Acting Lessons? $500.00

Derailing a Political Campaign? Priceless

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