Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OK – What More Do You Need?

Thank God that President Obama doesn't have any sort of bias against the news organizations that aren't on the Double O Rainbow train. I want you to keep this in your mind as you read the article: he's not saying he's not just against Fox News' views on his policies – he's against Fox News because they're at least up front about it. Maybe he's also somewhat irritated that Fox News reaches more people than the other news sources. After all, in this day and age – appearance is everything. Who cares what you can do, as long as you look good doing it.

What does this mean?

One: Obama has no clue how to deal with real opposition. This could actually be solved with a simple statement from him other than saying "I hate Fox News! WAHHHH!"

Two: Fox must be doing something right.

Really – people… really? Did Bush ever complain about CNN? MSNBC? No. He just did his job – which is what we voted for. I don't want the Commander-In-Chief whining. I want him doing the job. I want him taking care of what he was put in the office to do – to take care of the country, not scribble "Fox Sucks!" in his slam book.

In fact – why are we being told this? Simple – who else does Fox talk a lot about? The real threat to the DC scene: the Tea Party. Not only Republicans appear on Fox's radar (although that's what everyone else wants you to think), but the group that is going to eat the lunch of both established parties. The mid-term elections are not going to be pretty. I expect to see a lot of incumbents looking around, scratching their heads and wondering what happened.

Of course, there is another side to this. Once those Tea Party candidates get their shiny offices in Congress (I wonder how many keyboards will be mangled?), don't expect a lot out of them. You'd better believe that the Old Guard is going to close their ranks, take a nap and then yell out the windows to get those darn kids off their lawn. It's going to be a fun cycle. $20.00 says the Tea Party contingent isn't going to get a single thing done and that'll be it for them. They'll go back to making for interesting filler for the nightly news and various late night 'tea bagger' jokes. Why? Because no one in the current media (except for Fox) wants to think that they looked at a genuinely historically moment and said "Nah – it's going nowhere." If the Tea Party actually gets somewhere beyond having the pages confuse them for members of the gallery, watch the media lose their minds and the professional (and scruple-free) professional politicians try to sneak in like frat boys locked out of their house.

Another reason why people are inherently useless: not a single person who votes for either Republican or Democrat this election has two brain cells to rub together.

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