Saturday, October 30, 2010

This Is As Close To Wolf 359 As We’re Going to Get

This is some free advice to both the Republicans and the Tea Party. So – if you're a Republican, A Tea Partier or know someone who is – direct them to my site and charge them some money… then send a little taste my way. By the title of this posting you should note that I am somewhat of a Trekker. Don't let this fool you – under the gag ears, the uniform in the closet and the Klingon version of Hamlet – I am giving some real, honest-to-goodness useful advice. So, listen up.

For The Tea Party:

You may believe that you're doing this. Go on ahead – bask in it for a few minutes. You've earned it. It's not easy to go against a machine like the current party in power and having your erstwhile ally isn't going to be any real help. However, this is what it's going to look like when you walk up the steps to Congress. You have two choices: you can be Tom Hanks, or you can be these guys. Understand this: you are going so deep into enemy territory; you're going to need to learn a second language. Those interns are not your interns. Remember the words of Marlon Brando when you're getting your mail, or having your bills read. The professionals going to act nice; they're going to act kind – because they know that public sentiment will turn on them in a heartbeat. No matter what platitudes the professional politicians heap you, what they really mean is this.

For The Republicans:

Do not screw this up. Some of you may see this differently than I do. It's going to be natural to look down at them – after all, they don't have your experience. They don't have your connections and they don't have your connections. Remember this: at one point, you didn't know which end of the tube the round came out of, either. Someone cut you some slack. Someone showed you the ropes. Everyone is going to expect the Republican Party to duke it out with the noob. Instead, you may want to have some of them on your side to use as a 'stealth' option… or at least as a diversion.

For Everyone Else:

If there ever was a time to pay attention to your federal government, it's now. Regardless of how everything sorts itself out, the message must be made clear. We are not going to stand for the same-ole' same-ole'. This is going to require vigilance. This is going to require patience. This is going to require huevos. There are going to be people out there trying to confuse the issues and people who are going to spin things for you in their favor. If this is ever going to work; if we're ever going to take back what is ours – we are going to have to bear some discomfort.

Please don't tell me I'm screwed in assuming you people can bear that burden.


Jugulare mortuos, you ADD sloths

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