Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When They Don’t Talk About You, They’re Saying ‘the money’s on the dresser, why are you still here?’

It has been brought to my attention that there have been several news stories that have not appeared recently:

What do all these things have in common? They're all Democratic Party killers. And the latest one that I found was updated in June. JUNE. This isn't a matter of "compassion fatigue" – which sounds like this to me. This is an effort to make the elections go in a certain direction. How broadly does it need to be painted for you? Seriously. I've listened to several news outlets and all they seem to be concerned about:

  • The Republicans are going to get the majority… dammit.
  • The Tea Party is nothing more than a popular version of the Republican Party… dammit.
  • The Tea Party is a bunch of kooks – I don't mean your silly Uncle Charlie's "got your nose trick", I mean "unbalanced, empty headed morons".
  • The Tea Party is a collection of mind numbed Svengalis under the control of (insert talking head here).
  • The Tea Party is like Jason from the Friday the Thirteenth movies (but not Jason X, that movie was horrible) – we keep trying to kill it, but it doesn't stop!

The news media is focusing a lot on the Tea party – which tells me something. At first – the coverage was 'oh, look at those crazy kids and their little tea bonnets and they're antiquated way of thinking. Less taxes? Smaller government? Oh, my – I know it's so unprofessional to giggle… but… (dashes behind camera and laughs)"… and they stuck around… and they got air time… and they got mobilized. Say what you want about who you think is paying the bills (Speaking of moneyGeorge Soros contributed a little "walkin' 'round" money for Prop 19. Let's see if anyone raises a fuss over people with no real dog in the fight dropping cash. My money says 'no'.).

But as you sit and ask 'But – Practical Misanthropy – what does this mean for me? How is this posting going to be either practical or misanthropic?' I say (as my mom did so long ago) with a gentle but exasperated sigh and a corrective tap to get your mind right. 'Don't interrupt and get me my smokes."

The Misanthrope: How hard do the media or the professional politicians have to grab you by the nose and lead you around? I mean, are you all so lazy that you can't get online (without getting sidetracked by porn) and look around? For God's sake – connect some dots, do some critical thinking (if you're under 25 – 'critical thinking' means gathering facts, comparing them and arriving to a conclusion other than 'capitalism is evil'. If you're over 25 and have no clue as to what 'critical thinking is – get sterilized). Jesus – look around and take a stand for something other than which DWTS jerk-off is going to win.

The Practical: Ok – assuming you're not going to hop off the couch/chair/porcelain throne or whatever you're sitting on as you read this – then sit down and think: which candidate sounds like they're going to support what I believe in (if you believe in nothing, then don't vote. Stay home, have a beer and hurry up and die so the rest of us who do care can get through the registration line faster). Do some research online, don't just type a name into Google and read the first think that comes up on the page. Look around, educate yourself and be ready for November 2nd. If your candidate didn't do what you wanted them to do – use the next voting day to tell them to GTFO. That's how this whole republic works. Contribute – be a member, not a hang-around.


Jugulare Mortuos, you hang-arounds.

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